This kindergarten bear earned a positive office referral for sharing and helping his classmate in PE! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
Our preschool bears had a visit from Farmer Fred today and were able to pick pumpkins in the courtyard #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
This 3rd grade bear earned a positive office referral for his hard work and for being a leader! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
This 2nd grade bear earned a positive office referral for his positive attitude #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
Play is such an important part of the learning process in our early childhood classrooms #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Our 4th graders were amazing during their dress rehearsal today. We will see you tonight for the show! Doors open at 5:30 and the show begins at 6:00! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
dress rehearsal
dress rehearsal
dress rehearsal
At Madison, we have such an amazing staff. Introducing one of our staff members #facesofmadison #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Faces of Madison
This 2nd grade bear earned a positive office referral for being a leader in the classroom #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
This 2nd grade bear earned a positive office referral for his hard work and progress he is making in reading #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
This 4th grade bear earned a positive office referral for helping a classmate at recess! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
Happy birthday, Ms. Abell! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Happy birthday
Join us Wednesday, October 12 from 5:00-9:00 for Madison Night at Papa John's. Please use our promo code KSMO22 when ordering to benefit Madison Elementary! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Papa John's Night
At Madison, we have such an amazing staff. Introducing one of our staff members #facesofmadison #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Faces of Madison
This preschool bear earned a positive office referral for including a classmate while playing #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
This 3rd grade bear earned a positive office referral for his hard work and positive attitude! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
Join us Wednesday, October 12 from 5:00-9:00 for Madison Night at Papa John's. Please use our promo code KSMO22 when ordering to benefit Madison Elementary! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Papa John's Night
This kindergarten bear earned a positive office referral for helping a classmate in the cafeteria #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
This 2nd grade bear earned a positive office referral for his hard work and effort in the classroom! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
This 2nd grade bear earned a positive office referral for cleaning up the restroom, without being asked! #mdebears @gardneredgerton
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary
Positive Office Referral
Family/Teacher Conferences are next week and we are excited to meet with you to discuss whole child progress, the goals and dreams you have for your child, and how we can best partner together to ensure a successful year. sign up here
about 2 years ago, Madison Elementary