Real World Learning

Starting in the 2024-2025 school year our district has partnered with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation to bring more real-world learning opportunities to our students

USD 231's Real World Learning Committee on Oct. 2, 2024

Real World Learning

"We are working together to ensure that by 2030 all students in the Kansas City region graduate with one or more Market Value Assets."

The Kansas State Department of Education has mandated that all students graduate with 2 or more post-secondary assets (PSAs), which will become effective with the class of 2028. All Market Value Assets are PSAs but only some PSAs are Market Value Assets.

Market Value Assets: Client-centered projects, 9+ college hours,  Youth Apprenticeships, Workplace learning directly related to IPS, and Industry recognized certifications. Post-Secondar Assets include Client-centered projects, 9+ college hours, Youth Apprenticeships, Workplace learning directly related to IPS, Industry recognized certifications, ACT composite (Score of 21 or higher), WorkKeys level (Silver or higher), State Assessment scores of 3 or 4 in math, ELA, science, ASVAB per requirements of military branch selected, Senior project/senior exit interviews, SAT score (1060 or higher), Completing Board of Regents curriculum, International Baccalaureate Exam (4+), Advanced Placement Exam (3+), 95% attendance in high school, 40 or more community service hours, Seal of Biliteracy, CTE Scholar, Eagle Scout or Gold Scout, Two or more high school athletics/activities, JROTC, State level Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) Officer.

Types of Market Value Assets (MVAs)


Students gain experience performing job tasks at an approved location or job site under a qualified supervisor.

Entrepreneurial Experiences

Participants develop problem solving and innovative thinking through running their own business, gaining experience and insight on what goes into creating and maintaining a business.

Client Connected Projects

Learners collaborate with local businesses and organizations to solve problems and gain experience helping clients.

Industry Recognized Credentials

Students leave high school prepared to enter the workforce with Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs).

College Credit

9 or more hours of college credit, through AP or College-Now classes assisting students in pursuing a higher education.

Jaylene Freeman

Real World Learning Coordinator


For more information, fill out this survey, or get in contact with our Real World Learning Coordinator directly!