Your GEHS counseling team is pleased to provide our Blazer community with this section full of student guidance information. Gather general information here and, as always, consult with your counselor for help with your questions. Our counseling team is available to help with academics, personal/social and post-secondary planning.
Need a copy of your transcript? Please click on the button above that says "TRANSCRIPT REQUEST". This will take you to a Google Form to complete. Transcripts MUST be requested using this method, instead of by email or phone call.
Need your student's records sent to a different school? Please contact:
Tami Estes, Registrar, 913-856-2654, estest@usd231.com
Katina Holle, Secretary, 913-856-2601, hollek@usd231.com
Need to enroll your student at GEHS? Please contact:
Tami Estes, Registrar, 913-856-2654, estest@usd231.com
Katina Holle, Secretary, 913-856-2601, hollek@usd231.com
Need a verification of enrollment for employment purposes? Please contact:
Tami Estes, Registrar, 913-856-2654, estest@usd231.com
For all other counseling questions, you can either email Christine Jacobs at jacobsc@usd231.com or your student's counselor (contact information listed below -- based on the 1st letter of your student's last name).
GEHS Counselors

Jodi Warner
Alpha A-E warnerjl@usd231.com 913-856-2676

Wessley Burns
Alpha F-Le burnsw@usd231.com 913-856-2684

Krista Hart
Alpha Li-Ro hartk@usd231.com 913-856-2603

Brett Misse
Alpha Ru-Z misseb@usd231.com 913-856-2665
Student Support Staff

Christina Burns
Social Worker burnsc@usd231.com 913-856-2646

Alyce Dickerson
Social Worker dickersona@usd231.com 913-856-2751

Tami Estes
Registrar estest@usd231.com 913-856-2654

Christine Jacobs
Counseling Secretary jacobsc@usd231.com 913-856-2617

Elizabeth Guevara
College Adviser guevarae@usd231.com 913-856-2791